What Really Is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is known as the sexual assault, battery, physical assault, willful intimidation, and/or abusive behavior that is a systematic pattern of control and power of one person against another. This type of violence includes emotional abuse, psychological violence, sexual violence, and physical violence. The severity and frequency of domestic violence can vary, yet the constant component is one partner’s effort to maintain control and power over another.

Domestic violence affects individuals of every nationality, religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, age, and community. It is usually accompanied by controlling and emotionally abusive behavior that is only a small portion of dominance. Domestic violence can result in psychological trauma, physical injury, and possibly death. These devastating psychological, emotional, and physical consequences of domestic violence can easily last a lifetime and cross generations.

Deciphering Domestic Violence In A Partner

It is never easy to decipher if one is capable of becoming abusive early in a relationship as it only intensifies over time. Most abusers seem perfect and wonderful initially, but become more controlling and aggressive as the relationship progresses. Abuse can begin with distrust, possessiveness, threats, or name-calling. Although they may apologize for actions or claim that the actions are out of care or love, the control and violence only intensifies. What usually starts out as something to be insignificant can quickly escalate into extreme abuse and control. Such examples include:

  • Accusing a partner of cheating.
  • Showing jealousy of time spent with friends, family, or time spent away.
  • Telling a victim that nothing they do is done correctly.
  • Discouraging or preventing a victim from seeing family or friends.
  • Controlling money spent in the household.
  • Shaming or embarrassing their partner with put-downs.
  • Preventing their partner from making decisions.
  • Dictating how their partner looks.
  • Taking their partner’s money or refusing to give them money.
  • Intentionally scaring their partner.
  • Controlling what their partner does, where they go, or what they see.
  • Monitoring or stalking their victim via GPS, on the internet, or in person.
  • Threatening to hurt their partner or their family/pets/loved ones.
  • Intimidating their partner with weapons.
  • Pressuring their partner to have sex or do things they are not comfortable with sexually.
  • Forcing sex with other individuals.
  • Forcing or pressuring their partner to use alcohol or drugs.
  • Sabotaging birth control or refusing to wear protection.
  • Destroying property.
  • Preventing their partner from attending school or work, harassing their partner at either location, or keeping their partner up during sleeping hours so they under perform at either.

If you have already been charged with Domestic Violence, contact the Nolan Law Firm for a free consultation at (480) 359-3457.

The Nolan Law Firm
